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June, 27, 2019  |  Mike Rowlands  | 

An Invitation to Audacity

The problems of the future—imagined for so long to be on the distant horizon—are already here. Will we have the courage to respond?

Mike Rowlands
is President & CEO at Junxion Strategy

Never has it been more true that the one constant in life is change. The future is hurtling toward us, putting many of us on our heels, stretching our capacity, and testing our resilience. The problems of the future—imagined for so long to be on the distant horizon—are already here. Will we have the courage to respond?

Our economic system has supported remarkable progress and created tremendous wealth. But it has also brought massive inequality, a deep and widening chasm between ‘the haves’ and ‘the have-nots.’ And a climate crisis that cannot be avoided. It is clear. It is present. And its dangers are significant, widespread, and scary.

These problems are hard to face, and even harder to resolve. None of us can face them alone, but the times call for urgent and determined action.

Each of us Has a Role to Play

At Junxion, our clients rely on us for strategic planning, branding, impact measurement and reporting. But they value us for our real passion: To drive healthy change. To enhance resilience. To accelerate the shift toward regenerative systems, and vital, healthy communities.

We work with leaders of organizations who want to change, who are courageously facing these challenges, and creating organizations that will survive and thrive in a changed world.

While they’re remaking their organizations, they are in many ways also reshaping themselves. 

Personal courage. Committed Leadership. Collective action.

They’re leaving behind exclusion, competition, and dominance, in favour of a wholly different set of personal and ethical values built on natural principles: Cooperation. Balance. Interdependence.

All this takes personal courage, committed leadership, and collective action. This is what it will take to reinvent our economy. Nothing  less will do. These are the conversations we navigate every day. So we know change is hard. But leadership demands action. There is quite simply no time to lose.

What are you waiting for?

As fellow entrepreneurs, consultants, and trusted advisors to changemakers around the world, we’re here to guide you toward what’s next…. To bold, inspiring, effective action. To wise, generative, and courageous organizations. To an economy remade to serve the common good. Because the only option we have left is to remake ‘business as usual.’

For over 20 years, Junxion Strategy has steadily built a global portfolio of clients that include some of the world’s most courageous and generative brands. From adidas to Doctors Without Borders. From the United Nations to royal charities. We’re thoughtful advisors to audacious leaders. 

Are you ready to be audacious, together?