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Strategy & Planning

Ready to plan your next moves in sustainability and social impact? 

Infuse ethics, sustainability, and purpose into your organization.

For decades, companies have focused excessively on short-term returns. Those days are over. Transparency, sustainability and the triple bottom line are no longer reserved for the most progressive organizations. They’re imperatives for everyone aiming to earn trust in the 21st century.

At Junxion, we use a combination of skills and approaches to help you thrive, such as systems thinking, appreciative inquiry and design thinking. We can help you develop a strategy and planning approach that keeps pace with the purpose economy.

Service Features
Strategic Planning
Envision a better future, then define your plan of action to make it happen. We use a trusted, scalable framework that’s been used by NGOs, responsible corporations and social ventures alike.
Sustainability/ESG Strategy
Whether you call it ESG, CSR or sustainability, your organization needs a plan for how it will be a better business for people and planet.
Purpose, Vision & Mission
Why does your organization exist? How will the world be made better by your work? And what's your unique contribution?
How you behave is as important as what you achieve. We can help you identify and define values that will guide your organization’s behaviour, decisions, and culture.
Impact Business Model Design
As our friends at B Lab say, “any company that has an Impact Business Model is uncommon and extraordinary.” Learn how to leave a positive impact and a valuable legacy.
Agile Strategy & Implementation
Great plans are built to evolve as the organization learns and develops. Embed resilience and adaptiveness as you implement your strategy.
Overwhelmed by sustainability, ESG, and impact?
Navigating the new landscape can seem arduous. We're here to help clear things up and set you up for success.