Insights. Ideas. Inspiration. Shared to accelerate the shift to the purpose economy. Show all topics Community Emerge Stronger Environmental Sustainability Strategy Purpose Economy Impact Measurement Reporting Equality B Corporation Brand, Culture & Communications Life at Junxion Social Purpose Leadership ESG/Finance March, 24, 2021 | Garth Yule | Impact Measurement Get Started with Impact Measurement October, 01, 2020 | Garth Yule | Impact Measurement Get Started with Impact Evaluation Quickly June, 19, 2020 | Garth Yule | Impact Measurement The Right Approach to Impact Measurement March, 24, 2020 | Garth Yule | Emerge Stronger | Strategy What’s Your Three-Week Strategic Plan? May, 30, 2019 | Garth Yule | B Corporation What Does It Mean to Work at a B Corp? December, 06, 2018 | Garth Yule | B Corporation Unintended Consequences: B Corp Legislation in British Columbia