Bringing Sustainable, Wholesome Eggs to British Columbians
Strengthening BC Egg’s path of transparency, open collaboration, and trust.
As a non-profit organization and industry leader, BC Egg oversees and controls the supply-managed egg farming industry in British Columbia.
BC Egg works with more than 130 regulated, family-owned and operated egg farms across the province to ensure sustainable, wholesome BC eggs are available to all British Columbians. Over the past five years, BC Egg has had to navigate a fast-growing market, while balancing the complex requirements of new market entrants, regionalization, and changes in production mix.
The Challenge
Over the past five years, BC Egg has made steady progress building relationships with producers and industry bodies such as the BC Farm Industry Review Board (FIRB). Nonetheless, BC Egg identified the need for developing its capacity to foster yet more transparency and trust, understanding that only through open collaboration can the industry truly thrive and deliver the best eggs for British Columbians. Their core question: How to balance the interests of governing bodies, producers, and graders, while ensuring a thriving, stable industry with equitable access to affordable, nutritious eggs?
How We Helped
Junxion was engaged by BC Egg to guide them in their strategic plan development through our collaborative TurningPoint™ approach. We interviewed staff, board members, and industry stakeholders, and we undertook a comprehensive market and materials review, including a stakeholder survey. This initial data gathering enabled Junxion to surface key opportunities and challenges for the BC Egg leadership team and board to consider. Those considerations informed the two full-day workshops Junxion designed and facilitated.
The first workshop included industry producers and graders, board members and the leadership team, and focused on defining a 10-year vision and aspirations for the future. The second workshop focused on identifying the key capabilities, skills and actions that would be required to reach these goals. Junxion then translated the workshop outcomes into a draft strategic plan framed around three overarching strategic priorities and four supporting capability areas. We then reviewed and edited the plan with a small core working group, before presenting it to all leadership and board members for further refinement and finalization. The result is a ten-page, actionable strategic plan that allows the team to remain nimble and agile, prioritizing on a quarterly basis the most pressing initiatives for a fast-growing industry, while working towards an inspiring 10-year vision for the industry.
Measuring Success
With Junxion’s guidance, BC Egg created an inspirational 10-year vision and five-year strategic plan. The process itself was an opportunity for collaboration and transparency that resulted in producers and graders feeling more engaged and heard, allowing them to meaningfully contribute to the strategic direction of the BC Egg industry. The leadership team has since been confidently prioritizing and implementing its quarterly targets.