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Values Definition & Measurement

All Truly Great Organizations Boast a Values-Driven Culture.

Just as great leaders live and lead from strong values, so too do healthy organizations. Strong, durable brands are unwaveringly authentic—meaning they diligently uphold their stated values. And that goes for organizational cultures, too: as the saying goes, ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast.’ A weak culture is like a brake on your potential, limiting and eroding your capacity. A strong culture unleashes capacity, accelerating performance, driving teams and organizations toward audacious ambitions.

Values Definition: Often, leaders have defined the values that shape their organization, but haven’t articulated the principles that underpin those values. So employees interpret values differently, and managers have no touchstone they can use to identify, train, and coach the behaviours that will drive success.

Junxion’s scientifically-informed approach will engage all levels in your organization to articulate, define, and embrace values-based leadership and decision-making. We’ll equip you with the essential scaffolding to build an outstanding, authentic, and inspiring organizational culture.

Values Measurement: What gets measured gets managed. It’s one thing to define values well and embrace those values in teams and operations. Next, put metrics against organizational culture by measuring your teams’ adherence to stated values, turning culture into a manageable asset that drives outstanding results.

Junxion has designed a proprietary approach to values measurement. It’s fast and reliable, and it will help you to identify opportunities to streamline operations, mitigate risk, increase engagement, and accelerate marketing and sales.

Turn culture into a manageable asset that drives results

We’re really pleased with what Junxion has helped us to achieve. People are feeling energized and empowered. While there’s work to be done, it’s affirming to realize that we’re already living these values. ISSofBC now has a strong foundation from which to move forward, and this valuable work will support a wider transformation process. We’re ready to take the next steps—thank you, Junxion!

– Jonathan OldmanCEO, Immigrant Services Society of BC
Ready to align your brand and culture?
A strong, values-driven brand inspires its stakeholders with a distinctive commitment to making lives better. We can help you develop a future-proof brand strategy and communications plan.