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Theory of Change & Impact Measurement

Define the impact you aspire to make and showcase your progress.

Theory of Change is both a group co-creation process to articulate pathways to the change you aim to bring about and a product that informs strategy, planning, and ongoing implementation. It connects the activities you control within your organization to the medium- and long-term outcomes that are the essential building blocks of your vision of impact. 

Nonprofits and philanthropic organizations are very familiar with Theory of Change but increasing numbers of businesses are developing theirs as they adopt a social purpose, commit to social impact, and strive to understand their role in affecting environmental and social change. 

Impact Measurement connects the outcomes organizations can control to the meaningful impacts they have on their customers and communities, their staff and partners, and the natural environment. After selecting or designing the right framework to measure your organization’s purpose and impact, you’ll be equipped to track and monitor the non-financial data that indicates your progress and opportunities for greater and greater impact.

I’ve had way more clarity of thought than I’ve ever had around who we are and what we do.

Are you making a difference?
If you are eager to map your outcomes, measure your impact and report effectively then get in touch.